"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Friday, March 13, 2020

Scripture Study with Bibi, Genesis 15:1-21

"God does not give us everything we want, but He does fulfill His promises, leading us along the best and straightest paths to Himself."  - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

A covenant is an agreement between either two individuals, or two groups, holding them to promises each has made to the other. Interestingly, "covenant" probably means "betweenness," thus underscoring the reasonable element lying at the foundation of all covenants.

Human covenants or treaties were either between two equals, or a superior and an inferior party. A divine covenant, such as that between God and His people, is one of the most important theological truths of the Bible. It always involves one who is superior and an inferior.

In Genesis 14 we saw Abram and his nephew Lot part ways, a war between confederate kings and kings of Canaan, the capture of Lot and his family as part of the plunder of the victorious confederate kings, and the eventual rescue of Lot and his family by Abram.

This week in Genesis 15, we shall examine a solemn treaty between God and Abram in regard to a covenant that was to be established between them. Here we shall see the Abrahamic Covenant firmly established and the promise of a spiritual seed.

Before we start, I always encourage everyone to read the material prior to completing the exercises. It always helps to begin with a good understanding of what we will be discussing. In addition, it will make your time in study more rewarding.

Let's begin with prayer: Dear LORD, as we meet together to learn, grow, and change in study, help us move into a deeper understanding of Your truth. Amen

Now this week's study:

Abram was now about eighty-five years old. Up to this point, he had spent fourteen years in Palestine, and had, for the only time in his life, recently been forced to fight against an imposing band of northern kings.

He was still a stranger in a foreign land that was already inhabited by other tribes. So it wouldn't be too difficult for them to join against him if there was any inkling that he was an intruder. Surely if Abram ever needed words of comfort and inspiration, it was certainly now!

1.) To ease Abram's fear, he was pacified with a gracious announcement from the LORD. What was it? (Genesis 15:1)

2.) Even so, Abram still had some concern. What was it that worried him? What were the specifics? (Genesis 15:2-3).

3.) The LORD replied strongly to Abram's question. What was His response to Abram? And how did the LORD elaborate on His reply? What was Abram's response and God's declaration to it? (Genesis 15:4-6)

4.) The LORD then steered Abram back to why he was brought here. What did the LORD say to Abram? (Genesis 15:7)

5.) Abram, though still strong in faith, nevertheless desired additional reassurance from the LORD to confirm it as we do from time to time. What did Abram ask the LORD? (Genesis 15:8)

6.) In order to gratify Abram, the LORD commanded him to prepare for the conclusion of a covenant. What did He ask Abram to do? How did he comply to the LORD's request? (Genesis 15:9-10)

7.) An event occurs in Genesis 15:11 involving an evil omen representing the potential pollution of the sacrifice and impairment of the covenant. As a side note, this evil omen apparently symbolized the experience of Israel in Egypt. The Egyptians, by their enslavement of Israel, posed a threat to the fulfillment of the Divine promise to the seed of Abram. Abram did something that symbolized the overcoming of all barriers. What was it that he did here?

8.) The LORD had given Abram orders concerning the sacrifices. Abram prepared and and laid them out. After he had done this he sat by them and prayed all day until evening. What happened next to Abram? (Genesis 15:12)

9.) Even so, Abram was still very much aware of what was happening around him. Though truly in fear, he was now prepared for the revelation he was about to receive. Was was it? What announcement in verses 13 and 14 clarified the meaning of the evil omen back in verse 11? (Genesis 15:13-16)

10.) To validate His promise of a seed (verses 1-6), and of a land (verses 7, 8, 18-21), God performed a strange and important act of symbolism signifying it was an unconditional covenant totally dependent only on God, thus making its promises absolutely certain. What was this act? Describe it. (Genesis 15:17)

11.) After the LORD made a formal covenant with Abram (the Abrahamic Covenant), He then specified Israel's geographical boundaries under it. How were the boundaries described? (Genesis 15:18-21)

This concludes our bible study for this week. Next time we will look at the interesting story of Sarai and Hagar in Genesis 16. Don't forget to read ahead, it will be worth your time.

Until next time, have a blessed and safe weekend!

Scripture: Philippians 4:19; Jeremiah 29:11; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Psalm 84:1; Proverbs 1:33 

Prayer: Dear LORD, strengthen me with the hope of my salvation and the many other blessings you provide with your continuous presence in my life. Amen.

May you be generously blessed!


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