"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Friday, March 20, 2020

Scripture Study with Bibi, Genesis 16:1-16

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God."  - Corrie Ten Boom

What happens when we have a lapse of trust in God? Being human, and subject to the limitations/ conditions of being such, can provide many opportunities for shortcomings and vulnerabilities to manifest themselves.

As we shall see, our flaws can and do work against us in our relationship with God. Learning to trust God's word and wait for it can be problematic for some. This trust, however, is a crucial component in the growth and maturity of any serious believer.

It can often be hard to wait, after all, waiting is ingrained in our everyday lives. However, as it relates to God, many just don't understand how it works. It is entirely different than waiting for a traffic light to change, the coffee to be brewed, or sitting in the doctor's office.

As I mentioned earlier, waiting for God, trusting in His word, is something that is learned. There is no other way. All believers experience this, and though it can be hard to comprehend, we gradually learn that God takes his own time to bless us. He will not be rushed!

This week's study will illustrate this point. If you've followed us the past few weeks, Abram has pretty much been the focus of our studies. In Genesis 16, we bring his wife Sarai back into the picture and introduce two new individuals: Hagar and Ishmael.

The LORD had promised Abram a succeeding heir in Genesis 15:4. By the time our story opens it still had not been fulfilled, even after the covenant had been made (Genesis 15:18). Meanwhile, his wife Sarai grew ever more impatient, and this is where we shall begin.

Before we start, I always encourage everyone to read the material prior to completing the exercises. It always helps to be familiar about our topic of discussion. In addition, it will make your time in study more enjoyable and rewarding!

Let's begin with prayer: Dear LORD, as we meet together to learn, grow, and change in study, help us move into a deeper understanding of Your truth. Amen.

Now this week's study:

None of us are immune to stumbling in our faith. As we shall see, it's fairly easy to set out trusting in God, but the real test comes in sustaining it.

1.) We learned that Sarai was barren in Genesis 11:30. Now, ten years after their arrival in Canaan, the probability of providing an heir to Abram was fading away, Sarai decided to take action on her own. Who was the subject of her decision? What did Sarai do? (Genesis 16:1-2)

2.) A major theme in Genesis is the pursuit of generating descendants. When Sarai found out she was infertile it caused her great distress. In those days, it could even be a cause of divorce. Needless to say, Sarai was desperate to provide a child for her husband. What did she do, and what was the outcome? (Genesis 16:3-4)

3.) Ideas conceived in haste almost always turnout badly, and this one was no exception. After Sarai's maid Hagar had conceived a child with her husband everything changed. What feelings did Sarai experience, and how did she express them? (Genesis 16:5)

4.) With the relationship between Sarai and her maid Hagar now soured, Sarai turned her anger toward Abram, unfairly blaming him for the situation. Abram reminded her of something that she hadn't thought of in her anger. What was it, and how was it used? How did this then affect Hagar? (Genesis 16:6)

5.) We have seen what can happen when we get tired of waiting patiently for God to act, and try to take matters into our own hands. After fleeing from Sarai's anger, Hagar was headed back to Egypt when she stopped to rest at a desert spring on the way to Shur (just outside the eastern border of Egypt). Who did she encounter there? What questions was she asked? What was she told to do? (Genesis 16:7-9)

6.) Hagar was then given a promise in order to encourage her. What was it? (Genesis 16:10)

7.) In addition, Hagar was told some very special news. Who shared this report with her? What were the specifics of it? (Genesis 16:11-12)

8.) It was very likely that the Egyptian maid Hagar had come to believe in the LORD of Abram and Sarai. So, she probably was aware that no one had ever seen God and lived to tell about it. Yet, after the incident at the spring it dawned on her what had occurred. What was it that Hagar had received? In order to show her gratitude, what did she do? What did Hagar ask in order to verify all that had happened? (Genesis 16:13)

9.) In order to commemorate the blessed event at the desert spring's well, Hagar did something special. What did she do? What did it signify? (Genesis 16:14)

10.) Something happened upon Hagar's return to Abram's household. What was it? How did Abram react? How old was Abram when this event occurred? (Genesis 16:15-16)

This conclude this week's Bible study. Next time we will dive into the first half of Genesis 17, which includes: God's revelation to Abram, Abram's name change, the renewal of the covenant between God and Abram, and the establishment of the circumcision.

Until then, have a blessed and safe weekend!

Scripture: Proverbs 3:5; Isaiah 12:2; Romans 8:28; Exodus 14:14; Hebrews 11:6

Prayer: Dear LORD, strengthen me with the hope of my salvation and the many other blessings You provide with Your presence in my life. Amen.

May you be generously blessed!


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