"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Monday, March 16, 2020

We Are Sailing on Troubled Waters

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  - John 16:33

There's an awful lot going on in the world right now. Along with all of the usual problems (war, political unrest, natural disasters, etc.) a newly, declared pandemic caused by Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has now been added to the list.

Understandably, everyone is uncertain, confused, and afraid. These feelings are quite appropriate, as we are definitely in a crisis mode. But life on earth is like that, we can never completely rest while living here.

Long ago, on board a boat on the inland sea of Galilee, Jesus' and the disciples faced a real crisis, as well: a terrible storm. The fear and crying out that came from the twelve demonstrated that even they (who knew Jesus personally) were not exempt from difficulties (Matthew 8:26).

Using this example, let's imagine that sea is a picture of this world. And everyone who is afloat on it represents the voyage of life. The storm symbolizes the adversities and troubles we often run into during this voyage.

Thus, it appears at first that following Christ can sometimes lead you into some trying scenes. After all, he boarded the boat taking His disciples with Him right into the storm. But remember, Christianity doesn't exempt any from trials in this world (1 Peter 4:12).

Certainly, following Jesus may save one from many sorrows, however it can also lead to troubles. This was quite true of the first Christians. Earthly life is like that Tiberian lake, sometimes calm and beautiful, but can get downright mean and nasty, too (James 1:2).

Still, our way lies through that lake. The Savior himself said, " In this world you will have trouble;" and that's been true throughout history. If anyone expects to reach the joyous shore without meeting up with various storms and troubles, they will be sorely disappointed (John 16:33).

A great and miraculous calm was eventually produced by Christ for the weary and despairing disciples when they turned to Him in their time of need (Matthew 8:26). What He did for them on Galilee He will do in His own good time for all who turn to, and trust, in Him.

What I just mentioned prophesies the ultimate outcome of the work of Christ. One word says it all; and that word is "peace." To all fearful and distressed believers, Peace. To distressed and troubled nature, Peace. To growing and suffering creation, Peace.

Yes, we are presently sailing stormy seas. No one seems to be sure of anything, and our fears are mounting. But this too will pass. It is of the utmost importance that we have Jesus with us on our voyage over these troubled waters (Psalm 34:17-18).

Without Him no ship can endure the storms, or bring us safely across to the other shore. We might think we can make it on our own strength and wisdom; but we'll quickly find out just  how helpless we are against absolute despair without Him (Mark 5:36).

Therefore, we shouldn't think of it as strange when raging trials come, as though they were something out of the ordinary. Instead, we should look upon them as from God, meant to try, purify, develop, bless, and perfect us in the His likeness.

Scripture: Philippians 4:6; 1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 4:8; Romans 12:12; Psalm 34:19

Prayer: Dear Jesus, You are my lifeline to peace and calm in these troubling and uncertain times. And should I find myself floundering, You're always there to give me the strength and support I need. Amen.

May God always bless you,


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