"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Wednesday, May 13, 2020

God Delivers from Affliction

"As sure as God puts His children in the furnace of affliction, He will be with them in it."  - Charles Spurgeon

In troubling times, even the most devout may feel their faith being tested to its limits. Does this signify a weak or less-than-satisfactory system of belief? Not at all! Religion alone does not free one from affliction in life.

The righteous are as susceptible to suffering as much as the unrighteous. Therefore, if religion does not grant freedom troubles, then, "What purpose does religion serve in distressing times?" Perhaps more than you think.

While it may not spare the righteous from hardship, religion can see them through it. And while it doesn't free them from the trials of life, it can be a source of great comfort and support during such times.

Certain afflictions are related to the righteous, or are suffered due to their religion, such as: oppression and discrimination. But, there are also miseries linked specifically to the sinful, such as: self-gratification, deceitfulness, and unlawful acts.

Note above how the negative afflictions of the morally wrong outnumber those of the righteous. Thus, while both are subjected to afflictions, the ungodly still receive the worst of it in the end (2 Peter 2:9).

One big advantage of being righteous is knowing that God has promised to listen to and save us. And this can best be accomplished through prayer. The value of which is in the "privilege" of speaking directly to Him (Psalm 50:15).

This "privilege" of communicating with God is sadly underappreciated and underutilized. There is no greater blessing that has ever been granted to man than prayer. We truly would be lost if our direct line to Him were ever severed (Psalm 34:4).

No one knows what the future holds, and the past is beyond our ability to correct. We can only identify with the present. Eventually, the world will re-open its doors and life will go on, that is, until affliction strikes again.

The key is to be prepared spiritually. From that fountain is where you will draw your true strength during times of upheaval and uncertainty. It's never too late to change, especially when it comes to a relationship with God.

The righteous, or just, person lives his or her life knowing that all trials and tribulations are confined only to this earthly life. Furthermore, they do not have to endure their burdens alone; as God is always by their side (Psalm 34:19).

We have the confidence of total and absolute salvation from adversity through the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus. As a result, someday you and I will also rise, free from all grief, sorrow, and yes, even death. Meanwhile, stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong! (1 Corinthians 16:13).

Scripture: Romans 10:13; Psalm 32:7; Psalm 10:12; 2 Timothy 4:18; Psalm 116:1

Prayer: Dear Lord, save me from trouble and fear! I stand firm knowing that You have heard my prayers and will not let me struggle helplessly in adversity. Amen.

May God always bless you!


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