"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Friday, May 1, 2020

Scripture Study with Bibi: Genesis 18:22-33

"There is no worse screen to block out the Spirit than confidence in our own intelligence."  - John Calvin

I sincerely hope that your week has gone well. And although the current health crisis has taken a great toll on all of us in terms of our health, employment, and financial stability, we must remain steadfast in faith.

The words spoken by Moses to Joshua as Israel was about to cross over the Jordan, "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged" still apply today (Deuteronomy 31:8).

More than ever, we must remain patient and focused. We cannot allow outside influences to turn us from the path God has opened before us. Stand firm and devoted as He alone will see us through the turbulent waters and testing flames of adversity (Isaiah 43:2).

As we left things last time, Abraham had an encounter with three strangers who paid a visit to him where he was encamped. These mysterious strangers were in actuality three heavenly beings who had assumed human form (Genesis 18:1-2).

Two of these men were angels, the third was the Lord Himself. The Lord promised a son to Abraham and Sarah, even though they had thought of themselves as long past the point of having children (Genesis 18:9-15).

The Lord debated at first whether or not to reveal His plans concerning Sodom to Abraham. The Lord then states His reasons as to why He should (Genesis 18:17-19). Finally, the Lord reveals His plan and sets it into motion (Genesis 18:20-22).

This week, we will conclude Genesis 18. The main focus of our study will be on Abraham's intercession for Sodom. Here we shall witness Abraham's spiritual character step to the forefront as he pleads justice on behalf of the righteous in the city.

I highly encourage everyone to read the material (verses 22-33) before attempting the questions. This will prove to be most beneficial in both the comprehension and retention of the subject matter.

Let's begin with prayer: Dear LORD, as we meet together to learn, grow, and change in study, help us move into a deeper understanding of Your truth. Amen.

Now, this week's study...

Too many of us complain because we feel distant from God's presence. This is not any fault of God. Rather, it is our failure to recognize that we have prioritized our associations with worldly risks and designs over our relationship with Him.

Abraham demonstrates what our bond with God could truly be if we walk closely with Him. Perhaps then God will reveal His mind to us, as He did to Abraham. God's divine purpose will then stand before us, and not us before it.

1.) The other men turned and walked off toward Sodom leaving Abraham with the Lord. What was Abraham's concern that he shared with the Lord? (Genesis 18:22-23)

2.) Abraham had earlier rescued these people himself (Genesis 14:16), now he bargains for their lives. He takes a big chance in repeating his plead for them six times. What happens each time Abraham does this? What does the Lord do? (Genesis  18:24-32)

3.) Finally, at the end of his dialogue, Abraham realizes in amazement his own boldness in speaking to the Lord. He also realizes how freely the Lord graciously allowed him to do so. What did Abraham say conceding his own lowliness to God's omnipotence in all matters? (Genesis 18:27)

This concludes our study of Genesis 18. When we meet next time we shall begin the study of Genesis 19. There we shall see the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the rescue of Lot and his family, and the foul sin committed by Lot.

Until then, have a blessed and safe week!

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:7; Proverbs 3:5-6; Micah 6:8; Psalm 119:105; Psalm 119:133

Prayer: Dear LORD, strengthen me with hope of my salvation and the many other blessings You provide with Your presence in my life. Amen.

May you be generously blessed!


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