"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Monday, May 4, 2020

We Must Glory in God!

It [knowing God] is the most practical project anyone can engage in. Knowing about God is crucially important for living our lives.”  - J.I. Packer

This may be an excellent opportunity to reflect on some things that, because of our normally hectic and sometimes over-extended, overloaded lives, we weren't able to do so before.

Presently, many have literally had the rug pulled out from under their feet, as they say. Circumstances, both public and private, are different now than they were only a few short months ago, causing worrying, suffering, and daily loss.

Perhaps we were living under the assumption that we were intellectually, militarily, and economically invincible. And being as such, there was very little that could go wrong. However, as the old saying goes, "Anything that can go wrong, will—at the worst possible moment."

During the time of Jeremiah, the Old Testament prophet, Judah and Jerusalem were a total mess. Their uncleanliness, treachery, lying, unfaithfulness, and deceit had the Lord this close to avenging Himself on them (Jeremiah 9:2;7).

Jeremiah did all he could to try and diffuse the situation between them and the Lord. As the chapter opens, he was crying over the destruction of his people (Jeremiah 9:1). How far Jerusalem and the cities of Judah had fallen!

Their problem was that they had basically ditched God, and hitched their wagons to their own wisdom, strength, and riches (Jeremiah 9:23). In doing so, they grew increasingly more dependent on themselves, and less dependent on Him.

As I mentioned at the outset, current times have presented us with an opportunity to think about our own lives. In other words, where do I stand with God?; do I give Him the recognition He deserves?; how can I set my relationship with God in proper order?

There are a couple of things that we ourselves do to undermine our bond with God. We tend to make things more difficult than they really should be, and have become accustomed to instant gratification, so much so, that we've become carelessly lazy towards Him.

We shouldn't have to wait until the alarm sounds to realize that all is not well. In Jeremiah 9:23-24 the prophet reprimands the people, telling them what the Lord has to say about what they are doing wrong, and then He graciously tells them how to get back on track.

We don't have to let things get to the point of impending disaster before doing something to change course, as was the case with Jerusalem and Judah. These verses (vs. 23 and 24) give us some great suggestions from God Himself.

Within verse 23, you might see the use of "glory in," or "boast in," and even "brag," depending on the Bible translation. Here, God is directing our attention to the things that we tend to value most highly, pursue most eagerly, and seek our happiness in (over Him).

In the following verse (v. 24) God quite plainly lays out the things that we must understand (or know) about Him if we are to truly live happy and prosperous lives. We cannot attain this on our own accord, nor could we ever.

Earlier, I pointed out our faults for lessening the effectiveness of our relationship with Him. Comfort and confidence when calamity strikes can only be found if we have performed or completed our responsibility to know God. It is our obligation to do so!

As you can see, God doesn't leave us clueless as to what He requires from us. Unlike some today, He will always give it to us straight, is totally transparent, and all without the smoke and mirrors of a Las Vegas magic show! (Numbers 23:19; Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18)

Use this time to examine the condition of your relationship with God. Think of it as a necessary maintenance before something breaks down. He has communicated what we shouldn't do, and what gives Him great pleasure to do for us. "I delight to do your will, O my God;" (Psalm 40:8).

Scripture: John 17:3; Philippians 3:10; Romans 12:2; Proverbs 8:17; Isaiah 55:8

Prayer: Dear God, instill in me to never depend on the things of this world to bring me the true happiness, in my heart and soul, that can only be secured by a righteous relationship with You. Amen.

May God bless you,


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