"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Friday, June 12, 2020

Scripture Study with Bibi - Genesis 23:1-20

"God is faithful even when his children are not."  - Max Lucado

There are many important characters throughout the Bible. Of these, only a handful standout from the rest. Such special individuals are vital to the Bible story. So much so, that they are mentioned in both, the Old and New Testaments.

Sarah, the wife of Abraham is one such person. We have followed her life which was joined to that of her husband. From Sarah's (Sarai) introduction in Genesis 11:29 up to now she was a devoted, obedient wife, and mother.

Of all the women that have ever lived, Sarah has the special honor of having her age recorded in Scripture. Interestingly, Sarah was not only Abraham's wife, but was also his half-sister, which was not so uncommon in those days (Genesis 20:12).

As is the case with all mortal men and women, our time here on earth will eventually draw to a close, and Sarah was no exception. She died almost 30 years before Abraham at the age of 127.

Some highlights of Sarah's life, include: being used twice during Abraham's lapses in faith in order to protect his life, while cowardly pursuing his own safety. First in Genesis 12 , then again in Genesis 20.

Who can forget Sarah in the story of the birth of Ishmael and of Isaac, and her name change from Sarai to Sarah when Isaac was promised! Indeed, Sarah's life was as significant as any that can be found in Scripture.

This week, our study of Genesis 23:1-20 will focus on the death and burial of Sarah. American philosopher William James once said, "The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it." I truly believe Sarah did just that!

As always, I highly suggest reading through the material prior to attempting the questions. This will not only aid in the comprehension of the subject matter, but will also enhance the enjoyment of it, making your time in study well spent.

Let's begin with prayer: Dear LORD, as we meet together to learn, grow, and change in study, help us move into a deeper understanding of Your truth. Amen.

Now, this week's lesson...

Sarah's life was a mix of light and shade. There was her lapse in faith, resulting in Ishmael's birth, and lack of self-control and love which ended in the Hagar and Ishmael incident. Yet, we saw Sarah sharing Abraham's hope and faith in God for accomplishing the impossible, too.

1.) Sarah has the special honor of having her age mentioned in the Bible. What was her age at the time of death? (Genesis 23:1)

2.) Abraham mourned for Sarah at a location in Canaan. What was the name of this place? (Genesis 23:2)

3.) After having sat for some time, Abraham got up, went out of the tent where he was mourning Sarah, and proceeded to make burial arrangements for her. What did he do? And with whom did he speak? (Genesis 23:3-4)

4.) The Hittites listened to Abraham's interest in a burial place for Sarah then they responded. What did they tell him? (Genesis 23:5-6)

5.) They finished answering Abraham, then allowed him to speak. What did Abraham do and say at this point? What was the name of the property that he was interested in buying? (Genesis 23:7-9)

6.) After listening to Abraham's proposition one of the Hittites rose up and responded to Abraham. What was this person's name? And what was his response? (Genesis 23:10-11)

7.) Abraham then politely bowed his head, signifying he had something to say, and replied to the Hittite's offer. What did Abraham say? (Genesis 23:12-13)

8.) Abraham's answer was then met with yet another response from the Hittite. What was it? (Genesis 23:14-15)

9.) Finally, to the great satisfaction of both parties, Abraham agreed to the Hittite's terms. What was the final selling price of the burial site? What land was included in the sale? (Genesis 23:16-18)

10.) The purchase price was agreed upon and paid. So, Abraham took possession of the land. What did Abraham do next? Where was this site located? What proof of purchase was given to Abraham? (Genesis 23:19-20)

This concludes our study of Genesis, chapter 23. When we meet next we shall begin the story of Isaac and his bride, Rebekah in Genesis 24. There we shall see the story of Abraham's concern to find a suitable bride for his son Isaac, and all that ensues.

Until then, have a safe and blessed week!

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:7; 2 Timothy 2:13; Proverbs 3:3-4; Psalm 31:23; Galatians 3:9

Prayer: Dear LORD, strengthen me with hope of my salvation and the many other blessings You provide with Your presence in my life. Amen.

May you be generously blessed!


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