"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Scripture Study with Bibi - Genesis 24:28-67 (Conclusion)

"Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love and the future to God’s providence."  - Augustine

Perhaps one thing you've noticed in our discussions on the Book of Genesis is how important familial, or family, ties are. There is much interplay in and around the various connections between the characters that are involved.

When we last met we saw Abraham's servant arriving at Nahor in Padan Aram, the home of Abraham's people. Eliezer, the servant, sought the LORD for guidance, asking for certain signs that his prayers were answered (Genesis 24:12-14).

But even before the servant could finish, a young woman appeared at the well where Eliezer had stopped. And as it turned out, she happened to be related to Abraham. Rebekah was the granddaughter of Abraham's brother, Nahor!

This week we will finish Genesis 24, picking up the story of Isaac and Rebekah from our last meeting and following the developments to the end of the chapter. Pay attention to the providential working of God in the events of His faithful servants.

As always, I urge everybody to read the material before starting the questions. This really does increase retention of the information and material, and, as an added bonus, helps enhance appreciation of how each story links to the others.

Let's begin with prayer: Dear LORD, as we meet together to learn, grow, and change in study, help us move into a deeper understanding of Your truth. Amen.

Now this week's lesson...

Some accept faith in God without any problem, others struggle with the concept. In Genesis 24 we see God providentially secure the fulfillment of His promise using Abraham's servant to obtain a wife for Isaac; through faith in God.

1.) Rebekah invited the man (Abraham's servant) to spend the night at her father's house. What sequence of events then followed? Who was introduced at this point? (Genesis 24:28-32)

2.) The servant was invited to Laban's house. What occurred next? What  important news did the servant share with Laban? (Genesis 24:33-34)

3.) Eliezer the servant began to tell the nature of his mission. What did he tell them about Abraham and his wife Sarah? What did he say his mission was? (Genesis 24:35-38)

4.) However, Eliezar also shared his doubts about the mission. What were his doubts? How did Abraham help calm his uncertainty before setting out? (Genesis 24:39-41)

5.) Continuing his story...What did Eliezar say that he did upon his arrival at the well? (Genesis 24:42-44)

6.) Although no one else heard Eliezar's prayer to God, something happened. Who made a sudden appearance? What did she do? Who was she related to? What did Eliezar do? Genesis 24:45-48)

7.) Next, the servant turns to the whole family, specifically Laban and Bethuel. What does he ask of them? What was their reply? (Genesis 24:49-51)

8.) Eliezar the servant had now shared his mission, given his master Abraham's request, and received the family's reply. What did Eliezar then do? What did he present to Rebekah's family? (Genesis 24:52-53)

9.) All seemed well up to this point. But the following morning, there was a small problem with the arrangement. What was Eliezar's request? What was the family's request? How did Eliezar reply to this? How did the family suggest it be settled? (Genesis 24:54-57)

10.) It was customary for a virgin to remain in her father's home from 10 months up to a year until the actual marriage. Eliezar's request for Rebekah was pushing the normal time frame a bit. Thus the reason for asking Rebekah how she felt personally. What was her answer? Who did they send along with her? What did her family send her off with? (Genesis 24:58-61)

11.) The servant's mission now successfully completed, the party left and headed back home. Isaac was on his way up from the south to visit his father in Beersheba. Having stopped for a rest he noticed something. What was it? (Genesis 24:62-63)

12.) Rebekah had been riding on her camel for some time now when she noticed something. What was it? What did she do? What did she ask Eliezar and how did she prepare herself? (Genesis 24:64-65)

13.) Safely back home, Eliezar could now relax knowing that he faithfully completed Abraham's mission in finding Isaac an appropriate bride. What did Eliezar tell Isaac? How happened after this point? (Genesis 24:66-67)

This concludes our study of Genesis, chapter 24. We are now approximately half-way through the Book of Genesis. We shall pick up this story when we return from our summer hiatus. Keep up your daily reading and prayer, and stay strong in faith!

Scripture: Luke 18:27; Proverbs 3:6; 1 Chronicles 16:11; Isaiah 41:10; Mark 11:22

Prayer: Dear LORD, strengthen me with hope of my salvation and the many other blessings You provide with Your presence in my life. Amen.

May you be generously blessed!


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