"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." - John 6:47


Friday, June 19, 2020

Scripture Study with Bibi - Genesis 24: 1-27 (Part I)

God never calls His people to accomplish anything without promising to supply their every need.” - Charles R. Swindoll

In the last chapter, Genesis 23, we saw the death and burial of Sarah, the wife of Abraham. As it is for all here on earth, each has his or her time as God ordains. So it was with Abraham and Sarah as we followed their story in our studies.

One door closes and another opens, as we shall see here in Genesis 24. With the close of Sarah's life, and Abraham's advanced years, that door is slowly closing, providing an opening for the story of their son Isaac to begin.

By this time, Sarah has been dead for three years. Abraham now takes on the task of finding a suitable wife for his son Isaac. This is of the highest importance since Abraham had been promised numerous descendants through Sarah (Genesis 17:15-16).

We shall see Abraham's care in finding a suitable wife for his son Isaac. However, it is crucial that Isaac's wife comes from his ancestral line. Due to his extreme age (140 years), Abraham entrusts this task to his oldest, most devoted servant.

Genesis, chapter 24 is a fairly long chapter. Therefore, in order to treat it fairly we will travel as far as we reasonably can this week, continuing our journey next week. That being said, we will do our best not to rush through it.

Before we begin, I remind you to read the material prior to completing the questions. A little time spent doing so beforehand will pay big dividends in the increased comprehension, retention, and enjoyment of the text.

Let's begin with prayer: Dear LORD, as we meet together to learn, grow, and change in study, help us move into a deeper understanding of Your truth. Amen.

Now, this week's lesson...

Thus far in the Book of Genesis, we have seen several examples of relationships between parents and their children. We've also seen the almighty hand of God working to secure His desired outcome regarding them. Undoubtedly, Isaac is especially notable in this narrative.

1.) The aged Abraham urges his eldest servant to complete a task for him. What is this task? What is the main requirement of it? (Genesis 24:1-4)

2) The servant considers the request, then requires some clarification from Abraham before agreeing to it. What is it that he is concerned about? What is Abraham's response? (Genesis 24:5-6)

3.) Abraham reiterates God's promise to him. What was it? What is Abraham's offer to the servant in the event things don't work out? (Genesis 24:7-8)

4.) The servant agrees to the assignment. He swears an oath to Abraham. How does he demonstrate his acceptance of the terms to Abraham? What did the servant then do? Where did he go? (Genesis 24:9-10)

5.) The servant and his camels traveled to their destination, finally arriving in the early evening. Where did they appear at? What did the servant have the camels do? What was significant about that particular time of day? (Genesis 24:11)

6.) The servant then prayed to the God of Abraham. What did he pray for? How would he know that his prayer had been answered? (Genesis 24:12-14)

7.) But before he could finish his prayer something happened. What occurred at that point? What was the young woman's name? What was her background? (Genesis 24:15)

8.) The servant was both surprised and pleased by the turn of events. What quality is noted about Rebekah? (Genesis 24:16)

9.) The servant wasted no time in meeting her. What did he ask Rebekah? How did she respond and what did she do? (Genesis 24:17-20)

10.) He closely kept an eye on Rebekah during all of this. What was he thinking about during this time? (Genesis 24:21)

11.) Both the servant and the camels had now been attended to. What did the servant do at this point? What did he ask Rebekah? What hospitality did she offer Abraham's servant? (Genesis 24:22-25)

12.) The servant realized he had been led here by providential direction. What did he proceed to do? Meanwhile, what did Rebekah do? (Genesis 24:26-27)

We will stop at this point and continue on when we meet next time. As I said before, Genesis 24 is a long chapter, so I think it would be better if we break it into smaller, more easily understandable sections.

Until then, have a safe and blessed week!

Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11; Proverbs 19:21; Job 42:2; Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalm 138:8

Prayer: Dear LORD, strengthen me with hope of my salvation and the many other blessings You provide with Your presence in my life. Amen.

May you be generously blessed!


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